Taxonomic list T3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

superficies divisionis membri

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Top level res incorporea Short Extended
Level 2 superficies anatomica Short Extended
Current level superficies divisionis membri Short
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Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
25231 10515
superficies divisionis membri
surface of subdivision of limb
61570 10584
superficies cinguli
surface of limb girdle
61571 10585
superficies divisionis cinguli pectoralis
surface of subdivision of pectoral girdle
74800 162 part
regio axillaris
axillary region
25235 185 part
regio deltoidea
deltoid region
61573 175 part
regio scapularis
scapular region
25244 10586
superficies divisionis cinguli pelvici
surface of subdivision of pelvic girdle
74829 218 part
regio glutealis
gluteal region
25248 221 part
regio coxae
region of hip
25236 10589
superficies divisionis membri liberi
surface of free limb segment
24176 10587
surface of a subdivision of free upper limb
61518 10593
superficies divisionis brachii
surface of subdivision of arm
25265 187 part
regio brachii anterior ; regio brachialis anterior
anterior region of arm
25272 190 part
regio brachii posterior ; regio brachialis posterior
posterior region of arm
24178 186 part
regio brachii
brachial region
25273 191 part
regio cubitalis
cubital region
25276 192 part
regio cubitalis anterior
anterior region of elbow
61501 10594
superficies divisionis cubiti anterioris
surface of subdivision of anterior elbow
79886 193 part
fossa cubitalis
cubital fossa
25277 194 part
regio cubitalis posterior
posterior region of elbow
24177 195 part
regio antebrachialis
region of forearm
25292 196 part
regio antebrachii anterior ; regio antebrachialis anterior
anterior region of forearm
25295 197 part
regio antebrachii posterior ; regio antebrachialis posterior
posterior region of forearm
25240 200 part
regio manus
region of hand
25264 10595
superficies divisionis manus
surface of subdivision of hand
25299 201 part
regio carpalis
carpal region
25303 202 part
regio carpalis anterior
anterior region of wrist
25306 203 part
regio carpalis posterior
posterior region of wrist
25309 208 part
regio metacarpalis
metacarpal region
9683 205 part
regio palmaris ; regio volaris
palmar region
25298 204 part
regio dorsalis
dorsal region
25312 209 part
regio digitorum manus
region of fingers of hand
25314 215 part
facies palmaris digitorum manus
palmar surface of fingers of hand
25313 216 part
facies dorsalis digitorum manus
dorsal surface of fingers of hand
25312 10605
superficies divisionis digiti
surface of subdivision of finger
25320 210 part
regio pollicis ; regio digiti primi
region of thumb
25321 211 part
regio digiti secundi ; regio digiti secundi
region of index finger
25322 212 part
regio digiti tertii ; regio digiti tertii
region of third finger
25323 213 part
regio digiti quarti ; regio digiti quarti
region of ring finger
25324 214 part
regio digiti minimi
region of little finger
326157 17167 part
regio thenaris
thenar region
326156 17168 part
regio hypothenaris
hypothenar region
25266 10588
surface of subdivision of free lower limb
25241 222 part
regio femoralis
femoral region
25404 223 part
regio femoris anterior
anterior region of thigh
divisio regionis anterioris femoris
subdivision of anterior surface of thigh
58780 224 part
trigonum femoris
femoral trigone
25405 225 part
regio femoris posterior
posterior region of thigh
25418 226 part
regio genus
region of knee
25419 227 part
regio genus anterior
anterior region of knee
25420 228 part
regio genus posterior
posterior region of knee
divisio regionis posterioris genus
subdivision of posterior surface of knee
22525 229 part
fossa poplitea
popliteal fossa
25242 230 part
regio cruris
region of leg
25427 231 part
regio cruris anterior
anterior region of leg
25428 232 part
regio cruris posterior
posterior region of leg
divisio regionis posterioris cruris
subdivision of posterior surface of leg
25428 233 part
regio surae
sural region
25439 249 part
regio tarsalis
ankle region
25440 234 part
regio talocruralis anterior
anterior talocrural region ; anterior ankle region
25441 235 part
regio talocruralis posterior
posterior talocrural region
74856 10603
superficies partis malleolaris tarsi
surface of malleolar part of ankle
superficies partis retromalleolaris tarsi
surface of retromalleolar part of ankle
74858 236 part
regio retromalleolaris lateralis
lateral retromalleolar region
74857 237 part
regio retromalleolaris medialis
medial retromalleolar region
25243 238 part
regio pedis
region of foot
superficies divisionis pedis
surface of subdivision of foot
25452 239 part
regio calcanea
region of heel
25453 240 part
dorsum pedis ; regio dorsalis pedis
dorsum of foot ; dorsal region of foot
25454 250 part
regio metatarsalis
metatarsal region
25455 241 part
planta pedis ; regio plantaris pedis
sole of foot ; plantar region of foot
25456 251 part
regio digitorum pedis
region of toes; digits of foot
25467 252 part
regio hallucis
region of great toe
25470 253 part
regio digiti secundi pedis
region of second toe
25473 254 part
regio digiti tertii pedis
region of third toe
25474 255 part
regio digiti quarti pedis
region of fourth toe
25475 256 part
regio digiti quinti pedis ; regio digiti quinti pedis
region of little toe; region of fifth toe
25483 257 part
facies plantaris digitorum pedis
plantar surface of toes
25482 258 part
facies dorsalis digitorum pedis
dorsal surface of fingers of foot
79 items
195 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list T3F
List Unit Identifier 10515
Sublist 1 10587 superficies divisionis membri superioris liberi 81/32 on 30.6.2024
Sublist 2 10588 superficies divisionis membri inferioris liberi 92/37 on 30.6.2024
Subtotals subchildren 173 subunits 69
Proper children 21
Number of children 194 (validated)
Proper units 10
Number of units 79 (validated)
Signature 23596 (validated since 30.6.2024)
Date: 01.07.2024